Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey Everyone,
Here I am in Italy!! With the Waltis! We arrived in Venice Italy today at 2:15 pm (Italy time so for your Americans it was 8:15am. It was so good getting to see the Walti's again, unfortunately two of your bags were lost in transit. They had been left behind in Paris (where we had a connecting flight). So AirFrance gave us 100 euros (like 150 dollarsish) to get what we needed, so in spite of our lack of sleep, we headed to the local piazza to get some clothes. I even got to try out my Italian on an unsuspecting fitting room attendant. :) It didn't go too bad! We are supposedly getting out luggage tomorrow, so we are praying it arrives! Other than that our travels were pretty uneventful, other than random Justin Bobby look-a-likes at the airport, (for those of you who don't know who Justin Bobby is, don't worry), the occasional man trying to enter the ladies room, and some funny movies on the plane, we had a very peaceful trip. Thanks for your prayers! It's now 10 pm in Italy and I am extremely tired and about to turn in, in my amazing loft room that I share with Hannah and Bethany, I already set out my book area and put up pictures. Talking with the Walti's in person face to face has been great, getting to see the places they talk about all the time, and just getting to talk to them about the ESL classes has been great. I am so excited for the classes to start and so in faith for what the Lord has planned! I'll update more tomorrow about Italy. love you all! :)
P.S. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for me, and those who came to me with encouragment my last Sunday at church and at the Prayer Meeting. Also to everyone who came to Crane's Roost Monday night to say goodbye and pray, Thanks so much! I got on the plane to Italy so encouraged by all of you and so thankful for God blessing me with such a wonderful church family!


  1. Alyssa!!! We are so excited that you are here!! We are so looking forward to what God is going to do in and through you and Bethany as you teach ESL to Italians. We are full of faith for great and glorious things above and beyond what we can imagine or think. What a blessing to have you here with our family and we, along with all your other Christian friends and family are praying for you! We love you dearly!!! Praise the Lord for His goodness to the children of men!!!

    The Walti Family

  2. Lady!
    I'm so happy you are there safe and having a blast! Love you so much!

  3. I love you and miss you already!!! I will check on your blog often so write a lot!
