Sunday, January 25, 2009

"...'Pace A voi, Pace A Voi', disse cuesto Salvatore..."

Hey Everyone,
It's been a little while, we've been pretty busy though. This past week, after getting home from Paris, Bethany and I had some stuff to do. We got our bus passes, and worked on getting me a cell phone. Friday night to went to a party, hosted by the Well's a family from the Church here in Udine, for the party we went to Citta Fiera (the local "mall") and had a scavenger hunt where we were broken down into teams and had to search the mall for 4 people, who would look different then normal. It was pretty fun, I got to meet a lot of new people, and had A-may-ing pizza. One of the people I met was Beth an R.D. (resident director) at SBI, the school. She very graciously drove us to and from the party. She totally reminds me of my cousin who I'm really close with, Alaina (miss you Lanie!). Yesterday was Bethany and my first day of work. We had to be at Becky and Sherry's (the other two ESL teachers, they are so great!) apartment where we got together and handed out flyers for the classes (Beth and Pete helped us out) we walked all over Udine putting flyers in mailboxes and trying not to get locked into apartment complexes (on Friday Bethany and I handed out flyers in out neighborhood, a different part of Udine, and we got locked in an apartment complex and were contemplating jumping a fence when an Italian man walked by and hit a button that opened gate,he had a good laugh at us). We passed out flyers from 9-1 and then got some pizza, and met up with the Waltis, Clare and my mom, we hung out with them for a while, then Bethany and I walked around Udine until it was time to meet up to do flyers again at 4, we did that for another hour or so and then hung out with Beth until youth group.Youth group was great, it's led by Mierko,(i probably spelled that wrong) and his wife Miriam, they are so sweet, they speak Spanish and Italian, so I usually speak to them in Spanish, the youth group last night was small, about 12 people, but it was great.Mierko spoke on Revival, and how we are part of a body of believers and how we need to wake up, clean up, and get dressed to go out and preach God's Word, we may only be a finger in the body, but we can wake up the next finger till we wake up the hand and so on. he spoke from Romans 13:11-14. He also led worship last night (in Italian), and the title of this blog is lyrics from my favorite song. It means "Peace to you, Peace to you, says our Savior." It goes on to say "No come e mundo da" or "not like the world offers". We have a peace unlike any other! After youth group we went to gelato, and hung out, I absolutely LOVED it. I am so excited to be here with my Italian brothers and sisters. Please pray as I continue to build relationships here, not just with those at the church but with the students. Also, please be praying for the people those who received flyers this week, (we are handing out more tomorow), thats people would be interested and come sign up, that God would bring those he wants, and that God would open their hearts and prepare them for us being able to share the Gospel with them! I miss everyone back home and I'm praying for you guys! :) I'll post pictures soon of stuff here, I keep forgetting to bring my camera out around Udine. bye! :)

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