Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bam Bendy!

Hey Everyone,
It's been a couple of days, but we've been gone, in Paris. :) My mom, Mrs. Walti, Clare, Hannah and Bethany all took a three day trip to Paris (kinda like a mother-daughter/Hannah's 16th birthday trip). We had a blast. It was kinda crazy, because normally when we go to Paris my dad is in control of the map and directions, but since he wasn't with us (I missed you Daddy!) we kinda had to figure it out for ourselves. Which led to many funny times, such as our first night trying to get to our hotel, we asked 2 men on the street for directions, all of the sudden 6 french men are surrounding us, we were very confused, until we come to find out that they were meeting 6 girls at the same spot and they thought we were them. Interesting. Our hotel was very sweet, and we enjoyed our nights there, whenever we came back to the hotel, we would sit and talk in one of the rooms, and look out the window. We actually got into some really good conversations about the Catholic church, which is so prominent here. We went to Notre Dame one day, and saw a women on her knees on the cold hard marble, praying to a saint. I was so saddened. Because she looked so hopeless, she was praying to this saint with a thirst and desire you could just see in her eyes, for something more, she was looking for a hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Yet here she was in this hollow, dark, and hopeless church. I just prayed silently for her (i know like two words in French, seriously), and I couldn't help but be so sad. At the same time though, I was SO grateful that Christ has saved me, that the scales have been removed from my eyes and I know the Hope, Peace, and Joy that can only be found in Christ, I have been brought into the light, and how much I want others to know this great Salvation I have been given. If anything it made me SO excited for the ESL classes and this oppurtunity I have.
We had some other crazy times in Paris, like me getting stuck on the wrong side of the Metro (subway) turnstile, and having to sneak under it, while wearing a trench coat, boots, while a man behind us was hitting a button for Security to come get me. The Metro was quite an expierience, as signs took us to nowhere land, and sometimes we had to push to get on. It was nice coming back to Udine and not having to superhero leap to make the train. I also fell down the Metro steps helping Hannah with her bag and I got frisked at the airport. This was just one day(But you know me I just laughed) . We also had a stuck in the bathroom moment (faulty door mechanics) and silly new catchphrases that came from lack of sleep. Oh and if speed walking ever becomes an Olympic Sport, sign me up.)It was so great though being together, getting to be with mom, and everyone, and just having fun together. It was a really sweet time together. I miss everyone back home, and will update soon, Bethany and I have bus passes, cell phones and other things to get in the next few days, we also start work soon. I'll definitely be updating less when that starts, but I'll let you know how it goes. Love you all a ton!

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