Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ce is Ch...uh..what?

Hey everyone, It's been a while, but it's been busy. This week we had ESL Teachers Training, we started out with Monday, where we met at the church and played a game. The game was an icebreaker, called the Change Game, we paired up and had to observe our partner, then we had turn around and change 3 things about ourselves, then turn back see if they could tell what we had changed. Then three more, then finally ten things. We all started using outside objects to help us and asking the other team to help as well. It got a little crazy as you can see in the pictures, Bethany went a little Jack Sparrow on us. :) The other pictures are of Sherry and Becky, the other two ESL teachers. We are having a lot of fun together. We then sat down and did a bible study time and had a time of prayer, then we shared about ourselves, and shared our testimonies. It's so neat to come together and just have unity already because we are all part of the body of Believers. :) Then we learned how to teach a Base 1 (beginners) class. We have three levels for teaching, Beginners (base), Intermediate (Intermedio), and Advanced (avanzato). Becky gave us newbies a lesson on how to teach. That night we had registration from 6-8, it was a lot of fun, and kind of scary. I just kept saying in my head, "Abbiamo tres livelli, base, intermedio, e avansato." (we have three levels, beginners, intermediate and advaced). It was raining that night, but we still got about 25 sign ups. Tuesday we met up at the church again, this time we started with a bible study, and then went over time management, talking about scheduling and being disciplined so that we can make the most out of our time here. Then Maureen had Sherry, Bethany and I each teach Lesson One, for Beginners, I was kind of nervous, but it was actually really fun, having Maureen, Sherry, Becky and Bethany as my students, haha. I'm SO excited for classes now. That night we had registration again and had about 35 people sign up, and I actually had a semi-conversation with this guy about what level he should be in. Typically, if the person says they want to be in Intermediate or Advanced, Becky will say "Do you understand what I am saying?" one guy said he wanted Intermediate, when Becky asked that he gave that total deer-in-the-headlights look, but still wouldn't change to base, so we let him sign up, and he can just find out on Monday I guess! :) Wednesday and Thursday were spent in Valvasone, at Maureens house, finishing up training and doing registration, we did registration in the Tourism Office of Valvasone, (which by the way is the sweetest little town, where everyone knows everyone, it's great). We got to hang out with the girls who work there and they were really sweet, I think one of the girls and I are going to go out for Coffee next week when I am in Valvasone. So pray for oppurtunities to share the gospel with her! :) The last picture is of me, Bethany, Maureen, Julia and Daniela (the two girls from the Tourism Office), and I have to add that Hannah wanted me to say that "An aging process was done on Alyssa to make her look like she was 50." To Which I say "Oh Hanone, if you looked half as good at 15 as I do at 50, well you would be very lucky." I'm just kidding, everyone, but I do look like I'm 40 in this picture. I promise I'm still 20. :) lol. Love you guys so much. Please be praying as Maureen and Sherry are both sick with bronchitis, please pray for their healing, and for protection from sickness for Bethany, Becky and I. We start classes on Monday, so please be praying for a lot of people who are excited about learning and open to our friendships and to the Gospel. Love you all!! Love, Alyssa

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa! I just found out you have this! it's so cool to hear what's going on with you! I love the pictures and I hope you're doing well! And congrats on getting accepted to the nursing program!
    I miss you... and your Valencia tours ;)
    Rachel K
